The Red Shield Industries is a social enterprise of The Salvation Army. The Salvation Army receives donations-in-kind from the Singapore public and Corporations. The Red Shield Industries resells them through its network of Family Stores and the income produced, supports The Salvation Army social and community programs. The processes at the Red Shield Industries generate jobs for work-therapy programs for under-privileged people. The work and skills training gives them a leg up in self sufficiency and allows them to gain useful employment experience so that they can be reintegrated into society. Not all donations-in-kind (DIK) are sold in our Family Stores, a portion of donated items are stored as humanitarian aid. This store is dedicated to times of emergency and items are drawn when there are humanitarian needs, we have since contributed to the rebuilding and restoration of many disaster stricken communities. We are also active in fund-raising, partnering many organizations by way of donations drives or the offer of premises to hold charity bazaars. Our mission statement: To be highly regarded by the general public for excellence in delivery of a recycling service, this is sensitive and responsive to the needs of the community while meeting the welfare and funding needs of The Salvation Army.
Pick up / Self Delivery Appointment Schedule