Hi All Beloved RSI Fans! 🙂 It's a Beautiful Wednesday, isn't it? Except for the PSI, I think that the weather today is just nice! 🙂 We've reached the mid week!! Yeyyy! Give yourself a pat on the back! So, it's time to head back to work... and before we know it, years passed by and we realised that we spent a lot of our time at work. The typical Singaporean workday is around 10 hours, if you include travelling. So, that's almost half of our day gone! Apart form being just productive, we could also be aware of certain good habits to cultivate at our work space (other than that two minute exercise you can do in the wash-room). 😉 Let's keep our work and life balanced, for a healthier work style, leads to better energy levels, increases your ability to focus and makes work that much more satisfying. Basically, they make YOU Healthier and Happier. 😉 Here's how you can do it: (credits MindBodyGreen.com) http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-15279/20-ways-to-add-more-wellness-to-your-workday.html Have a Happy Day! 🙂 Warmest - RSI
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